John Strong Sex Movie Actors, Collection de bons films de sexe de John Strong

Acteur John Strong

John Strong

Informations sur l'acteur

Award winning cocksmith John Strong's career is one of the most well decorated in pornographic history. A winner of five AVN awards, John was inducted into the AVN Hall of Fame's Video Branch in 2016. Having started his career in 2003, John is still pumping away on set, and shows no signs of slowing down. What's the secret to his nearly superhuman longevity? It's pretty simple: he loves to fuck!

Films de l'acteur John Strong

L'énorme cul de ma belle-mère
L'énorme cul de ma belle-mère
Apprenez aux filles à faire l'amour avant de sortir
Apprenez aux filles à faire l'amour avant de sortir
Le petit ami noir à grosse bite de la fille
Le petit ami noir à grosse bite de la fille